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About the SECS

Oakland University's School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS), with over 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students, 拥有一支优秀的教师队伍,致力于为21世纪的工作场所和社会以及他们专业领域的研究做好准备. 学校提供密切的师生互动,小班授课和个性化的关注.

To address the needs of practicing computer scientists and engineers, SECS最近开发了几个专业和继续教育的机会. 这些令人兴奋的新课程非常适合那些有兴趣发展和完善他们的专业技能的人, and provide a vital advantage in today's competitive marketplace. 

Louay M. Chamra Headshot

Welcome to the School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS)! 我邀请您浏览我们的网站,了解更多韦德体育app官网的学术课程以及我们在韦德体育app官网正在进行的工程和计算机科学研究. 工程与计算机科学学院将始终追求卓越和创新的教学, research, as well as service to the profession, community, and society at-large.

Our goal is to provide our students, faculty, 并对具有最佳教育和工作经验的员工给予高度支持, yet stimulating, environment. 我们的教师提供最高质量的教育,这是由联邦机构和工业合作伙伴赞助的尖端研究增强. In addition, 工程与计算机科学学院将继续积极参与外展和经济发展活动.

未来的本科生应联系工程咨询办公室,电话:(248)370-2201或 [email protected]. 未来的硕士学生应联系相应的部门办公室,而未来的博士.候选人应联系副院长办公室,电话:(248)370-2233或 [email protected].

Please let me know if we can be of any additional service.

Louay M. Chamra, Ph.D., Dean
School of Engineering and Computer Science
(248) 370-2217
[email protected]

工程与计算机科学学院的顾问委员会由业界领袖组成. 他们协助学校发展教育和研究项目,以满足技术领域迅速扩大的需求. 委员会可作为一个整体或单独就课程等事宜进行咨询, research, facilities, equipment requirements, special subjects and long-range planning.

Board members

Chair of Advisory Board: Michael Bolon, Retired Senior Vice President, General Dynamics Land Systems, Engineering Design and Land Development

Vice Chair of Advisory Board: Bob Lee, 退休副总裁兼发动机动力总成和电气化推进系统工程主管, Stellantis

Board Members:

  • Gahl, Berkooz, Ph.D., Head of Digital AI, North America Automotive, Capgemini Invent
  • Glenn Denomme, Retired Consultant, Stellantis
  • Paul Fleck, Founder and CEO, Dataspeed
  • Cedric Flowers, Vice President, DTE Gas
  • Alecia Gabriel, Ph.D., Co-Founder, Motor City STEAM Foundation & The Lab Drawer
  • Grant R. Gerhart, Ph.D., Retired Senior Research Scientist, TARDEC
  • Maurcio Herndandez-Distancia, Ph.D.,高性能计算机#SWX主管-全球工程总监,Stellantis
  • Fred Killeen,通用汽车信息技术公司退休首席技术官
  • Joseph Long,Executive Director, Value Engineering, Global Standardization & Program Management, Inteva
  • Ron A. May, Retired Executive Vice President, DTE Energy
  • Robert Richard,主要企业项目高级副总裁,DTE能源,能源分销 
  • George Saikalis, Ph.D.,日立美国有限公司高级副总裁兼研发总经理.
  • Kristen Siemen, Vice President of Sustainable Workspaces and Chief Sustainability Officer, General Motors Corporation
  • 塔玛拉·斯诺,大陆科技公司研究与高级工程主管
  • Dave Schubring, Global Information Technology Director, SiteRx
  • Diana Wagner, SWX Software Vehicle Program Management, Stellantis
Ex-Officio members
  • Louay Chamra, Ph.D., Dean, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Qian (Beth) Zou, Ph.D.他是韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院副院长
  • Osamah Rawashdeh, Ph.D., Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Vijitashwa Pandey, Ph.D., Chair, Industrial & 韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院系统工程
  • Daniel Aloi, Ph.D., Director of Research, School of Engineering & Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Anthonie Burke, Director of Philanthropy, School of Engineering & Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Chris Kobus, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering Professor and Director of SECS Outreach, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Kelli Foskic, Director of Career and Life Design, School of Engineering & Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Hua Ming, Ph.D., Interim Chair, Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Xia Wang, Ph.D., Interim Chair, Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University
  • Shailesh Lal, Ph.D.,韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院生物工程系主任
  • Anthony Gallina, Director of Corporate Relations, School of Engineering & Computer Science, Oakland University

工程与计算机科学学院(SECS)提供通向学士学位的指导, master's and doctoral levels. 这些课程由五个系提供:计算机科学和工程, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Bioengineering.

The SECS, with about 3,477 undergraduate and graduate students, 拥有一支优秀的教师队伍,致力于为21世纪的工作场所和社会以及他们专业领域的研究做好准备. 学校提供密切的师生互动,小班授课和个性化的关注.

  • 提供高质量的工程和计算机科学本科和研究生课程,为毕业生在未来几十年的职业生涯做好准备,
  • 通过工程和计算机科学相关分支的基础和应用研究来提高知识, and
  • 为密歇根州的工程专业和公众提供服务.


  • Education of engineers and computer scientists,
  • Development of research programs and
  • Fulfillment of the demands for professional service.

由于韦德体育app官网靠近密歇根州东南部的大量汽车相关制造公司, 教师的研究兴趣包括应用研究的一个重要组成部分. This research emphasizes product design, development and manufacturing in support of both large and small companies. In addition, 教师从事工程和计算机科学学术领域的广泛研究项目.

工程与计算机科学学院的教员在研究和学术方面有着杰出的记录,本网站的目的之一就是突出他们的专业知识,使工业界可以很容易地访问这些知识, government and other organizations.

The Engineering Center opened its doors to students in August, 2014. As the home for the School of Engineering and Computer Science, this 127,000平方英尺的设施拥有最先进的教室和研究空间. 该建筑是韦德体育app官网工程和计算机科学社区的中心.

韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院的使命是通过校友和朋友的慷慨支持.  通过这次独特的命名机会收到的捐款将由工程与计算机科学学院用于支持为学生服务的活动和活动, faculty, staff and the public; and, to enhance the functionality or maintenance of the engineering building.

This naming opportunity is welcomed from individuals, couples, families, associates, friends, organizations, foundations, and businesses. Please contact Anthonie Burke他问了一些关于如何给工程大楼命名的问题.

School of Engineering and Computer Science

Engineering Center, Room 301
115 Library Drive
Rochester , MI 48309-447
(location map)
Dean's Office (248) 370-2217
Academic Advising (248) 370-2201

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